a christmas rant

this week i received my first christmas gift. and it was one of the most thoughtful gifts i have received in a long, long time. my coworker approached me with a brown bag. inside the bag was a jar filled with homemade bean soup, hand-canned green beans, and a loaf of homemade bread. along with this gift came the explanation that she had been thinking about me and how busy my life is with work and school. she had heard me complain that i didn't know when or how i was going to get all of my christmas shopping done. so, she made me this meal to use whenever i please so that maybe, one night, instead of worrying about dinner after a long day i could go and get my shopping done. i felt very blessed.
christmas should always be this simple, shouldn't it? but for some reason each year i find my head swirling amongst the lights, glitter, and glam. i always feel rushed to make christmas feel like "christmas." i spend too much money on gifts that will soon be discarded, boxed up, too snug, or out of style. i don't have enough time to give my time. and after awhile i even find that i forget that a little babe was born in a manger to bring peace to this convoluted world of mine. i forget that his beginnings were simple, born amongst animals to poor young parents. i forget that his life was an example of simplicity, relying on God the Father as his daily bread. and i forget that his teaching was simple: love.
my coworkers gift was truly an example of what i believe christmas is, simple acts of love. she gave bread to the hungry and rest to the weary--truly an act of Christ.
this christmas i hope to embrace the simplicity of the season. to start, i give you mary's song. God's gift was all she needed to make her spirit soar. remember that christ has been mindful of us all, let our spirits also rejoice in this knowledge.
mary's song:
"my soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.
from now on all generations will call me blessed,
for the mighty one has done great things for me
holy is his name.
his mercy extends to those who fear him,
from generation to generation, he has performed mighty deeds with his arm
he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.
he has brought down rulers from their thrones
but has lifted up the humble.
he has filled the hungry with good things
but has sent the rich away empty.
he has helped his servant israel
remembering to be merciful to abraham and his descendants forever
even as he said to our fathers.
merry christmas