Monday, March 27, 2006


i've been a pretty lazy blogger lately. sorry to my mom and my sister...the only people who read this thing. i figure that if i don't have anything burning to write about, then maybe i should just keep quiet. this isn't necessarily "burning" but these are the top ten things that i have learned about riding the city bus:

1. eating an apple on the bus is not a good idea. the windows do not open and you will be stuck holding a sticky apple for the whole ride.

2. pulling the stop for someone else is not helpful unless they specifically ask you to. you may misunderstand where you think the person is trying to be. if no one gets off the bus driver gets really pissed.

3. owning an ipod is cool. i don't own an ipod...but i sure am jealous of all of those people that do.

4. laughing at other people's conversations which you are not involved in is never a good idea... even if it is about a david copperfield magic show which you have seen yourself. they will think that you are a stupid eavesdropper.

5. asking people to move their feet if they have their legs stretched out across a few seats could cause you embarrasment in the future. while it may seem rude and unfair at the COULD be that the next day when you see that same person on the bus...they may be on crutches and you will feel very sorry that you asked them to move the day before.

6. bus drivers are humans too

7. cross word puzzles are a good way to pass time on the bus.

8. trying to do a cross-word if you do not have a seat and are standing should not be attempted unless you have three hands.

9. the bus shelters do not keep you warm or necessarily dry.

10. not having to wait for your second bus on a cold day is better than winning the lottery.