thanks to my kick ass memory...
i got a straight A in anatomy!!! i think i deserve a mint chip ice cream cone...
after destressing for one week, suffering two ocular migraines involving loss of VISION, and one doctors visit i have already started my next class, developmental psychology. now, you think this would be interesting. but, if you have a professor who talks like molasses for three hours and twenty minutes you might think differently. i'm not kidding about the molasses. the first day of class i did not even fill one page of notes...after three hours and twenty minutes! not only does he talk very slow and with a horrible, horrible michigan accent, but he goes on very random tangents for very long periods of time. yesterday's tangeant: a replay of the conversation he had with his daughter the night before about who would win in a fight--the colour kids from rainbow bright or the care bears. his conclusion: the my little ponies would probably come in and kick ASS (only it sounded like aaaaaaaass b/c of his nasal tendencies). who cares! why are you telling us this? keep your stories and let me out earlier!! give me anatomy and crazy amounts of memorization any day...
after destressing for one week, suffering two ocular migraines involving loss of VISION, and one doctors visit i have already started my next class, developmental psychology. now, you think this would be interesting. but, if you have a professor who talks like molasses for three hours and twenty minutes you might think differently. i'm not kidding about the molasses. the first day of class i did not even fill one page of notes...after three hours and twenty minutes! not only does he talk very slow and with a horrible, horrible michigan accent, but he goes on very random tangents for very long periods of time. yesterday's tangeant: a replay of the conversation he had with his daughter the night before about who would win in a fight--the colour kids from rainbow bright or the care bears. his conclusion: the my little ponies would probably come in and kick ASS (only it sounded like aaaaaaaass b/c of his nasal tendencies). who cares! why are you telling us this? keep your stories and let me out earlier!! give me anatomy and crazy amounts of memorization any day...