Tuesday, June 20, 2006

it started as a vision...

i have not had a real yard since i was ten years old. i grew up in the city and city life doesn't have much to offer as far as yards go. you usually only have enough grass to tight rope walk on and you have to share that small green strip with your neighbors. and since moving away from home i have always rented, meaning that if there was grass it did not belong to me.

but now i own my own home and it came with enough grass to stretch out on, and in the city no less! brett and i moved into our house in november and during those long, cold, gray days of winter i dreamed about my yard. i made "plans" for the yard.

my first plan was to build a box garden. i have always wanted to grow my own vegetables. i think that someday, when the oil runs out, we will all have to be gardeners...so, i'm just getting a head start. i looked up on-line the materials i would need and then i headed over to home depot. i love that place. the people are really helpful and they cut wood for you. not only that, but they did all of the measuring for me. i'm a horrible measurer. i think the people at home depot were just as excited about my raised garden as i was. how could you NOT be excited about a raised garden? it took me about an hour and a few helpful screws from brett and wa-la. i was finished. (i just realized that perhaps that sentence didn't sound very prudent. this post has taken an X-rated twist. shield young eyes).

when the weather started to warm up i went to a garden center and chose my seeds. i planted them carefully and stood over them every night pleading them to grow.

at first i could not tell the difference between something edible and a weed. but now brett and i often add to our meals with produce grown from the sweat of my own brow. feast your eyes on......success.

my second plan was to make our yard look somewhat decent. as you can see from the pictures below there was just a lot of, what may look like to you, ugly dirt spaces. but to me, that dirt was SOIL.

my uncle owns a nursery in holland and brett did some web work for him. we decided to be paid in plants. and paid we were. last weekend we bought enough plants and flowers to compete with the jones'. we spent all day sunday digging and planting and transplanting.

during the dig we unearthed a plastic jesus. we planted him under our boxwood. you never know when a plastic jesus will come in handy when you live in a neighborhood caught in the cross-fire.

what started as a vision now fills my belly...as any good vision does. -SN

*sorry that some of the pictures are hard to see. you'll just have to stop by...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how did i miss it!? your greenery is beautiful!

5:38 AM  
Blogger sara said...

you really are my hero.

3:10 PM  

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