the scariest halloween ever
it was a dark and scary night. the wind was blowing and rattled the trees like the bones of a skeleton. inside the nelson home, the phone started to ring. it rang again. after wiping the spiderwebs from the receiver sara answered and her face went white as the voice on the other end spoke in a low, ominous voice. "147 people are applying for only 80 open spots in the nursing program..."

i have to be better than 67 people right??

i have to be better than 67 people right??
They're crazy if your name isn't first on the list. Don't worry-- you're in.
it's not that they would be crazy (b/c we all know they would be for not choosing mwa)'s that my grades weren't good enough. like i said,
Just remember the odds are in your favor. You've got a better than 50% chance of making it.
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