Monday, September 11, 2006

help me help you

this november i will (finally) be applying for the nursing program at grand valley. after about three years of finishing up pre-recs i am finally ready to fill out that app. and turn it in. one of the application requirements is a 250 word personal statement that should demonstrate my writing abilities. suggestions for content include: "career and educational objectives, past experiences and accomplishments, as well as any additional information that would be helpful to the Admissions Committee."

i have an advising appointment this wednesday where we will go over my application and my personal statement. tell me what you think. does this even make sense?

Fredrick Buechner once said that the definition of vocation is, “…where my deep gladness meets the world’s deep hunger.” It is not often that a twenty-eight year old experiences the earth’s groan. But, in my twenty-eight years I’ve seen the shores of twenty-one different countries. I have taught in a bilingual school. I have helped build homes. I have re-diapered children, tutored math, and spoke of sex and abstinence to teenage ears. I have discussed journalism ethics to eager, young Mongolians. And I have helped treat malaria deep in the bush of Nigeria. I have seen the world’s greatest poverty and its most sickening wealth. I have heard it cry. I know its hunger runs deep.

Here in my own community and in communities all over the world, too many people have unfulfilled dreams. I believe the root of unfulfilled dreams is often poor health. Nursing will combine my gifts of mercy, service and teaching to help people see possibilities amongst the impossibilities that surround them (when they are ill). People whose dreams are big enough begin to make the dreams of others around them come true. I have dreams.

Through a career in nursing I dream of serving the underbelly of my community. I hope to work in a clinic setting after a year or two of hospital experience, using Spanish skills that seem to be slowly fading for lack of practice! I wish to serve those whose hunger is greatest. Until then, I know that I cannot be completely glad.

**for those of you who have read applications of mine before...sorry about the repeated quote and "dream" idea. i've used it like seven times. -sn


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well said sara. well said.

6:41 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

You are a very inspiring person, Sara :-)

10:49 PM  

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