this crowded, chaotic airport is where i am headed in two days. let's just hope things have settled down before 10am on Sunday morning, my arrival time.
this isn't the first time that terrorism in london has threatened my travel plans. last year, the day before brett and i were to leave nigeria, terrorists struck the underground and those awesome double-decker buses they've got going on over there. we thought we would be delayed, but we weren't. i expect the same this time as well.
but, with each terrorist threat comes less freedom in travel. first, came the knifes and sharp objects rule. no knives on the plane. this one, it seems to me, should have been a rule all along. but, when brett came home from china in 1999 he carried on a sword! that has definately changed b/c once i got caught with a butter knife in my carry-on and i thought i was going to be arrested. i had no idea it was in there and i think the guy had pity on me b/c of the horrified look on my face. "sir, i did NOT know that was in there. i'm so sorry. i don't even know why...." it was just a butter knife, but i FELT like a terrorist. funny thing is, that same year during xmas they let me on with knitting needles... anyway, next came the shoe rule. all shoes have to pass through the metal detectors. this causes major slowdowns, especially during the winter months when people forget to untie. the same is true for belts. i always forget the belt. and now, i have just received a memo telling me that i will not be allowed to carry basically ANYTHING on the plane with me on saturday. no drinks, no lotion, no snacks, no toothpaste, no medication (i like to take melatonin. it helps me sleep.), and it may be likely no books. no books!? what is a person to do for 7 hours? maybe i will just write my own book. but are pens kosher?
my friend sara and i were having a conversation this morning. the last time i went to england i was with her. five minutes into the air i accidentaly pulled a swiss army knife out of my bag while looking for chapstic. "put that away!" she hissed. i must have some weird obsession for carrying harmless small knives with me, b/c i didn't know i had that one either. anyway, during our conversation we realized that now we would have to have the same reaction about the chapstic, b/c it is no longer allowed. "put that away!"
looks like i'm in for another interesting trip. let's just hope that this doesn't happen to me!