i think they taught me the wrong words
remember that charming little song you learned when you were a youngin' teaching you about the bones in the body? you know the one...
the hip bone's connected to the leg bone. the leg bone's connected to the ankle bone. the ankle bone's connected to the foot bone...and on and on all the way down to your toe bones.
well, that song got it all wrong. i've just learned the real words are:
the greater sciatic notch articulates with the proximal head of the femur. The distal medial condyle of the femur articulates with the proximal tibial tuberosity of the tibia. The tibia articulates with the talus...and on and on all the way down to your V distal phalanx.
anatomy is proving to be interesting but challenging. the amount of information that i have to cram into my head in six weeks is quite astonishing really. i'm pretty sure that every student in my class is living, eating, and breathing anatomy right now. i find myself in the shower saying things like, "huh, i bet the fully keratinzied dead squamus cells of the epithelial tissue making up the stratum corneum my epidermis are really coming off now!" and when i'm going up the stairs i repeat, "flexion, extension, flexion, extension." i know! it's a little bit nerdy.
anatomy is so all consuming right now that the best part of my week was when the girl sitting next to me dropped her coloured pencil. We sit in this HUGE lecture hall. The floor slants downward towards where the professor stands. Her pencil, quite amazingly, kept missing peoples' feet. It just kept rolling and rolling. We could hear it rolling, we just couldn't see it! soon about 5 or 6 rows ahead we see this guy bend over to pick up her green pencil. he turned around to hand it to the person sitting behind him. the girl next to me had to stand up and call out, "um...that's mine." ha. maybe you had to be there...or maybe you just have to be taking a 6 week course of anatomy to appreciate the hilarity. -SN