it's a....hearse!
today i looked out my window at work, and this is what i saw. Goodbye Gerry, goodbye.

*if you look closely, the first car is the presidential hearse. about a thousand black cars followed behind it. tons of people were lining the streets waiting to catch a glimpse...of...the car, i guess. honestly, it wasn't very exciting.

*if you look closely, the first car is the presidential hearse. about a thousand black cars followed behind it. tons of people were lining the streets waiting to catch a glimpse...of...the car, i guess. honestly, it wasn't very exciting.
Glad to hear you guys made it safely back from Colorado. Do you have any good stories?
The hearse may not have been exciting but the fighter jets were super cool! Ethan just about wet his pants. Janna
i heard that the jets were pretty cool. i totally missed those. i was probably fighting the police and the traffic trying to get home. the final funeral service was at the church down the street from my house. the roads were blocked off for miles!! -sn
I wish I could've been there considering it was the church I grew up in and spent hundreds of hours in. My mom was 1 of the 4 ministers doing the service. My dad was an usher. I should've been the acolyte. Too bad everyone has CIA clearance for many years before doing the service at Grace. JBro
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