Tuesday, July 11, 2006

a season for every activity under the sun

a time to be born and a time to die.

last night i received a call from the sister of my good friend. the wires carried her soft shaky voice through my receiver and into my unbelieving ears. my friend's baby, unborn, had died, just two weeks before the world waited anxiously to greet her. on the third of july this little girl stopped moving in her secret place and her mother, who had gotten to know her intimately, carried her, fed her, supplied her oxygen for nine months knew something was wrong. she went to the hospital and delivered. besides experiencing the pain of birth she now is experiencing a deeper pain, a harsher pain, the pain of loss. i have never delivered a baby...but i know that the pain she's feeling now hurts worse b/c i can feel it too.

after hearing the news i felt like i needed a little air. i made my way outside where i was immediately greeted by my neighbor. he asked me to come over to meet his new son. you see, on the third of july, the same day my friend lost her baby, my neighbors rushed to the hospital. it was two weeks before their baby was due, just like my friend, and there had beed trouble, just like my friend. only during their trip there was an emergency c-section, a cord wrapped around a small fragile neck, a dangerously low heart rate, and the cry of life from a 5 lb baby boy named timothy. in the same ten minutes i experienced death and held the hand of new life.

a time to grieve and a time to dance.

god's ways are mysterious. but i trust him b/c he is THE ONLY ONE who in the same breath as death, killing, tearing down, crying, grieving, scattering, losing, tearing, hate, and war offers me LIFE, HEALING, REBUILDING, LAUGHTER, DANCING, GATHERING UP, EMBRACING, MENDING, LOVE, and PEACE.

Ecclesiates 3:1-8


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