Tuesday, April 18, 2006

i want someone to pay for me

so today at work i had this brilliant idea to start searching around for someone to pay for my nursing tuition. there has to be SOMEONE out there who wants to give me money to be the best that i can be, right? during my search i came across this news report:

"Grand Rapids - Life just got a lot easier for 23 students just starting an accelerated nursing degree program at GVSU. They were stunned to learn today the state will pay their tuition. They each will receive $10,000 to pay for their program."

i will be starting that program NEXT year. i missed $10,000 by four measly classes. life did not just get easier for me.

i recently heard another report about some young man who is trading a brand new house for a paper clip. he started with the paper clip. someone traded him the paper clip for a pen, the pen for a doorknob, the doorknob for an empty keg of beer, the empty keg of beer for a snowmobile (that person doesn't know what trading means), the snowmobile for a trip to canada, the trip to canada for a recording contract, and the recording contract for a year's worth of free rent in some lady's apartment in arizona. he hasn't got the house yet...but he is well on his way. that kid is a genious.

there are tons of stories out there of people who make a quick million on the internet. they leave many people thinking, "how can i make a quick million on the internet?" well, i don't want a million. i only want about $10,000. and i'm not even going to spend it on something fun, unless you think that pathophysiology and microbiology are equivilant to riding a rollercoaster or taking a trip around the world...

i've decided to start a "help pay sara's tuition one dollar at a time" fund. hopefully i will reach $10,000 by May of next year. i'm not as savvy as the young lad mentioned above. i'm not trading anything for the dollar. i'm just taking the dollar and putting it in my pocket for a year until my school comes a knockin'. i mean, i guess if you want a paperclip...i could trade you. i think i have some right here in my desk drawer.

if you would like to donate a dollar to my fund, tell me. somehow we'll get in touch so as not to offer up all of our private information on this here blog. or maybe i will set up some sort of button where you can donate. maybe brett knows how to do that. anyway, it's a good cause. i'm a good kid who just wants to do nice things for other people, like help that two year old i saw in nigeria last summer who was so malnourished that he failed to develop properly. the soft spot on his head had never hardened over...it had started to rot. flies gathered on it. he only wieghed probably 30 pnds and was so weak that he never learned to walk. isn't that worth a dollar?



Blogger Joel Swagman said...

I'm going to seriously think about giving you that dollar. When I get back in the states I consider it some more

7:44 PM  
Blogger Morris Mathews said...

i think you MAY have earned a dollar from me, too. I had someone to pay for me to my surprise. So, I will give a dollar to pay for you. I will give you two. Maybe three. Good luck with the other $9,996. I am assuming that Joel will spare a dollar upon his return, but if not, well... wo knows. i'm serious. Three dollars and maybe i will stop sending postcards to you and Brett, too, to save a little more. But I just wrote you one so expect it in the next few days.

10:44 PM  
Blogger Lorraine Woodward said...

um, I thought about trying this too. you just need to open a paypal account. but it didn't work so well for me . . .

7:23 PM  

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