Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Bio 210 "no geeks allowed"

i have recently dug out the ol' jansport, shrugged it up onto my shoulders, and headed back to school. awhile back i got this idea in my head that i wanted to get a nursing degree. that way i could travel around the world, saving it one country at a time. the idea seemed so much cleaner and easier in my head. but the reality is that it's just a lot of hard work and having to deal with college freshmen and college seniors. i believe that those two groups are the WORST two groups on any given college campus, and i'll tell you why. college freshmen are still on their "high" of being high school seniors and yet they know nothing about anything. and college seniors believe that they can change the world by just talking a lot of nonsense. i'm sorry if i am offending anyone, but please realize that i, myself, have been part of both of these two horribly annoying groups.

i am currently taking biology 210, it's an intro course. you see, my first time through college was the absolute avoidance of anything science. i didn't even drink soda because of the chemical changes that carbonation can cause. sometimes i didn't even want to breath because of all the sciency things that happen in my body when i do. but obviously i really screwed myself. once i got off of MY college senior "high" and shut my mouth i realized that changing the world means actually doing something; doing something means helping people; and helping people in the way that i want to help them means SCIENCE. so now i live, eat, and breathe science. yes, i have started breathing again.

because bio 210 is an intro course i have to deal with many-a-college freshmen. freshmen, bless their hearts, ask questions like, "will this be on the test?" and "how long do i have to study for this exam?" i really don't know how the professor keeps his composure at these moments. if it were me i would say, "no...none of this will be on the test. not any of it. on the next test i will be testing you on mozart." or "you must study 1 million hours for this test. if you fail to study 1 million hours for this test i will mark you off 1 million points." those freshmen, they'll learn. i remember studying 1 million hours for tests when i was a freshman.

not only do i have to deal with these non questions, but i also have to deal with being very, very UNCOOL. when i was in college i think that i might have been cool, at least sometimes, but no longer. i am now the old person. i come to class wearing my 'professional' work clothes. i carry yogurt in my backpack, my backpack that is out of style. i get confused when trying to register for classes ON-LINE. i don't worry about "who's house we're going to drink at?" i just go home and do it. i do not put away my things when the professor is still talking, even if the clock reads 5:15pm--the end of class. and in lab i absolutely freak out about being able to see onion cells under a microscope. it's true. i cannot even tell you how cool i think that is and how UNCOOL that makes me to college freshmen. it doesn't help that i actually YELL OUT things like "wow!" "this is CRAZY" and "i can't believe what i'm seeing!" while my eyes are pressed up to the scope. when i can finally bring myself to gaze away from the cells, i look up to find freshmen boys looking kind of horrified and freshmen girls giving each other that secret eye-roll that says "what a geek!" i know that look girls, i've given it myself.

i'm just afraid that one day i may walk up to my classroom door to find a sign that says "Bio 210 NO GEEKS ALLOWED." then what would i do? would i sag my trousers, and unbutton my blouse a few buttons? would i try to quickly apply as much make-up as i could and tousle my hair so it looked like i had just gotten up? would i walk in the door and immediately ask "do we HAVE to have class today?" should i start carrying cheetos instead of yogurt in my backpack? i guess it's good to prepare for these kinds of things in advance. -SN


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