Sunday, March 27, 2005

happy new year in march

so, i've just discovered that i have been using a 2004 calendar since is now the end of MARCH. my friend hannah is here for a visit. she was admiring the organization and complete control of my life, happy that i had rememberd to write down her birthday on the 23rd, when suddenly she said, "hey my birthday wasn't on a tuesday this year...sara, this is a 2004 calendar!" um....ok, yes, my organization is a front and having complete control of my life is a lie. you happy now?

the 2004 calendar would explain why i have been so completely messed up on days lately. i could swear that it is a certain date...and then i would arrive at work and suddenly it would be a day earlier. for some reason i never stopped to think about why this kept happening. i would just accept that it would be a day earlier. i think that it made me feel younger somehow.

today is EASTER. i was greeted this morning with the sounds of the Hallelujiah chorus playing on the record player and brett saying he had "a little somethin' special planned for me." it was an easter egg hunt. if you knew about my childhood, you would understand why this was such a big deal. my mother was the "no easter eggs, no halloween costumes" type. Easter was for Jesus and Jesus did not die on a chocolate cross. and halloween, well...don't even get her started. my most prominent memory of easter was the year of the block hunt. an old woman held a neighborhood easter-egg hunt in her yard and in the lots that connected all of our houses. i watched that hunt from my kitchen window. as each egg and piece of candy was plucked from under a bush and grabbed from the clutches of another i tried to remind myself of the true meaning of easter. but let's just face just don't get that kind of stuff. all i knew was that b/c it was easter i was stuck inside on a beautiful spring day watching my friends' mouths turn black with their chocolate drool. i've carried this resentment around with me for a long, long time. have you ever seen the movie Steal Magnolia's? it's one of the saddest movies ever...some girl dies, the town is sad, blah, de blah...but the saddest part for me was having to watch the easter egg hunt at the end. bet you don't remember THAT part do ya'! so anyway, thank you brett for the hunt. and mom...thank you for teaching me about Jesus. i just don't understand why it's ok to bring easter baskets to your grandchildren! i suppose it is not your job to teach them about Jesus.

we've had sun for two days straight now. could this be a record? we have taken full advantage of it, hiking and off-roadin' in the ol' jeep-a-roo. our jeep's name is in chingis in gingis khan...only in Mongolian. can you dig? if you've never been to Mongolia you should really go. it's beautiful in i bet it's a beautiful place to spend easter weekend. --SN


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In defense of 71717666, the maligned mother and doting grandmother:
no regrets about refusing to associate "worldly amusements" with religious events - especially Easter! But thank you, Brett, for so cleverly filling that gap in Sara's life :-) At least she can now enjoy Steel Magnolias all the way to the credits............
I often try to bring my grandchildren "a little something." I've never given them baskets or Easter eggs. Never will. I gave them purple bags (Lenten?) left over from Xmas each containing a book (free gift from Cheerios boxes),Teddy grahams (to promote healthy snacking), and a rainbow-colored, silly-putty fruit roll-up (to encourage creativity and/or dentist bills like the ones we had to pay as a result of doting grandmothers??).

8:12 AM  

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