Wednesday, March 23, 2005

I DID THIS B/C OF BRETT it is. MY NEW BLOG. i decided to do this b/c my new hubbie brett does it...and i just got done reading his. he said these nice things about me, so i wanted a space to say nice things about him too as well as perhaps embarrass myself a bit. but first, brett. brett has this way of looking at the world in a way that nobody else does. he has introduced me to NEW COLOURS. just as soon as i think i've seen them all...brett points at something else, some small mystery hidden in a tiny crack somewhere, some small piece of sky that the sun has decided to pick on, or some small trace that a retreating wave has left behind on the sand. if you haven't seen something new in awhile i will loan you brett.

today is one of those day where i will acheive absolutely nothing, and yes, i am at work. i don't know, i have these days where i just kind of space out and stare at my screen. the only thing productive about a day like today is the guilt that it will produce. that guilt will help me produce twice as much tomorrow. so, don't hate me.

you know what is funny? so my old students in Honduras always sign into instant messanger with the funniest sign-on names. like this one student, his says, 'Someday, sometime, Zambrano will be mine." Now, to the average on-looker that doesn't seem so funny. But, Zambrano is referring to Ms. Zambrano...a teacher at this particular student's school. obviously he has a little crush on Ms. Zambrano. Most likely nothing will ever come of this crush, but...keep dreamin' kid. (did my font size suddenly change? see...this is why i should stay away from technology.)

this weekend is EASTER. and i have received an easter MIRACLE. it's not JESUS. well, i mean, c'mon...Jesus is a given. This is a different easter miracle. so, on thanksgiving my wonderful uncle jim gave me my yearly thanksgiving day plant. i always kill my thanksgiving day plant in a matter of a couple weeks. this year i was determined to do better. this year's plant was an amaryllis...or some other spelling of the same sounding word. anyway, for months this bulb in this pot of dirt did absolutely nothing. i stared at it every day and it stared back. i moved it from place to place around the apartment. i talked to it. i sang to it. i shed my own tears on it, hoping it would grow. nothing. for three months...NOTHING. we had a family get-together and my sister's and my mother were squealing in delight over their "awesome" i tried to just roll my eyes and pretend not to care, but on my insides i was literally dying. so i kind of just gave up on the plant for awhile when one day i just happened to look at it one day and saw not one, not two, but THREE stalks growing up out of the bulb. i yelled to brett to come over and confirm what i was seeing. he confirmed. it looked like things were a go. of the stalks grew maybe two inches and died...but the other TWO shot up about ten inches in a matter of days. suddenly there were these pod-like things growing at the top. i asked brett what he thought were going to come out of those...and we proceeded to convince each other that our little baby was about to birth aliens...i mean, the pods were THAT BIG. this story is getting I will just say that I now have FIVE, count them, FIVE, huge ginormous white flowers on my amaryllis. i have taken maybe...20 pictures of it. as soon as i figure out how to throw a picture on this thing i will! that's all i have for today, except why did i pick such a manly blog theme? maybe it's b/c i took this test on-line the other day where you had to do all of these things like look at images and answer questions about sex and stuff and it turned out that i am more manly than most men. i have to admit that part of that was pure luck b/c i got bored with the test and started answering questions without reading them...but still.



Blogger SN said...

oh baby you're the one i likeeeeee!

11:49 AM  

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